Monday, December 21, 2009
Stay tuned...
In the meantime- what are you dying to know about BalletMet, or dance in general? Send us your questions to
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

**The Nutcracker begins this weekend at the Ohio Theatre and runs through December 23rd!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I've said it before and I'll say it again; It's Nutcracker fever here at BalletMet and I could not be more excited. Yes, this is a very busy time of the year, but I am swept up in the holiday spirit and am thrilled to be a part of the madness!
2. If you could do a duet with any celebrity, who would be the most fun to dance with?
"Keira Knightly"--- Gabe
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Today I’m going to stray away from the professional side of BalletMet and instead delve into the Academy; aka FUTURE BALLERINAS OF THE WORLD!
And she would know best, being a BalletMet parent herself. Her daughter grew up dancing here and BalletMet has just become a part of Pat’s life. “If I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t stay.
I was also able to chat with Academy Director Susan Brooker, and let me admit that when speaking with her, I was immediately reminded of how jealous I am that I do not have an accent. :-p Susan has been here for about a year and a half now and is very happy with BalletMet. She received her professional dance education in
So what is it about BalletMet that keeps her here? “There is an essential integrity to all the artistic work produced here,” Susan explained. “There is also a sense that everyone is working toward a common goal. We try to offer the highest quality training and each student is considered to be an individual. We watch out for their individual progress and the choices that are made depend solely on their well-being. “
What more could you ask for? Susan also explained to me the different programs and opportunities available to students. In addition to BalletMet’s training programs, they also have summer programs where students from all over the country come to participate.
In addition to the staff, I also spoke with two of BalletMet’s dedicated parents. First I spoke with Mrs. Bank whose mother is one of the founders of BalletMet, and for her, BalletMet is a part of her family’s history. Not only did she used to dance here, but now her children as well as her sister’s children do too. What Mrs. Bank loves about BalletMet is the quality of the education.
“It’s not just about the performance, but the actual learning. That’s what I like about BalletMet.”
Mr. Weekley agreed, whose daughter spends about four days a week at BalletMet. “She likes the challenge.” Mr. Weekly and his daughter are actually from

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Surprisingly, she enjoyed both shows! Did she enjoy them to the same degree as me, definitely not (only because I am in love with dance), but she found both of them interesting. She had never been to a dance performance at this level before, so this was a completely new experience for her. When I asked Nicole if she preferred one show over the other, she said that the two were too different to compare and that she enjoyed different things about each of them.
With Swan Lake, she talked about how beautiful the set and cosutmes were, as well as how much she enjoyed watching it at the Ohio Theatre. At first, she was not sure if she was going to enjoy watching such a classical ballet, but was presently surprised by intermission. She also said that some of the music from this piece was really familiar---I think that a lot of people have heard music from famous ballets, but do not realize that it's originally from a ballet.
With Nightmoves, she enjoyed the change of pace from Swan Lake. Nicole explained to me that she did not know ballet could be so modern, but said she really enjoyed watching it being performed like that. She admitted that she was a little confused about some of the pieces during Nightmoves, but still enjoyed it for the most part.
I then asked Nicole, if I had another ticket to give her and she could choose between seeing another contemporary ballet or another classical ballet, which would she choose? She said that as much as she surprised herself by actually enjoying watching such a classical ballet like Swan Lake, she said that she would like to go to another more contemporary show, only because she was so impressed with how ballet could be so modern.
So that was the experiment! I am not only happy with the results , but also that I was able to interest someone else in ballet............I'm spreading the love! :-p
You can still catch Nightmoves at BalletMet's performance space this weekend through Nov. 21!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
...and make sure you check out the Nutcracker Boulevard sign at the corners of State and High and State and Third!

Yep! I stood on the corner of State and High Street in Nutcracker garb, waving, shaking hands and posing for pictures with people already in the holiday spirit as well! And I have to admit, despite my apprehension towards putting on the costume (I'm pretty claustrophobic) it actually wasn't too bad, but rather a lot of fun!
The costume was a little bit big on me and we had to pin my pants to make sure the nutcracker didn't flash anyone! But after those few minor adjustments, it was pretty fun to wear! However, I was not the only Nutcracker on Monday; two other people in the office, as well as another gentleman who loves to help out also suited up to model the costume on State Street to help promote opening day for ticket sales. Four girls from the Academy were also involved, dressed as other characters from the ballet, standing next to the nutcracker passing out fliers for the show.
Some people that passed us were really excited to see these characters and the Nutcracker standing on the street in the middle of the day, while others avoided us at all costs :-p I didn't mind though! It was actually kind of funny watching people try to avoid me! At one point, some guy walked past me and said, "what's up Pinocchio?" and I thought to myself, huh? Maybe the nose on the nutcracker costume was a little big!
Anyways, I really enjoyed being a part of opening day for Nutcracker tickets. I know that most students do not spend their time at their internships dressed as Nutcrackers, high-fiving little kids on the street, but this is what I love about interning for BalletMet. Everyday is different and, clearly, I never know whats in store for me next!
AND DON'T FORGET!! Nightmoves begins this Friday Nov. 6 and runs through Nov. 21!
The show includes choreography from Twyla Tharp, Laurie Eisenhower, Michael Uthoff, Gerard Charles, Maria Glimcher and Adam Hundt! And featuring music from Sinatra, Mozart, Britten and Ravel!
Come and check it out! It may not be Halloween anymore, but you're definitely in for a treat!
BalletMet dancer Olivia Clark; photo by Will Shively
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

If I were a dancer, I would love to experiment with contemporary ballet moves, and would also be honored to dance in a classical piece. For me, there is no favorite. I love the creativity that comes from contemporary ballet, and when it comes to classical ballet do I even need to answer this...I named the blog a tutu for you :-p
However, not all dancers feel the same. BalletMet dancer Adam Hundt refers to himself as a “contemporary baby.” And that he certainly is. In BalletMet’s upcoming Nightmoves, Adam Hundt will show audiences his contemporary side; something I, personally, am very excited about!

No one!
That's right! The truth is, these two types of ballet are very special and very difficult in their own right; therefore they cannot battle for the best. There is no winner, but everyone has their favorite!
So, for the purpose of this blog, this debate is settled!
And for everyone's viewing pleasure, here is a clip of a contemporary piece by BalletMet dancer Adam Hundt! If you love contemporary, then you will highly enjoy this. And if you don't, give it a shot! It might change your mind! Enjoy!
Monday, October 19, 2009

“Their new Swan Lake beautifully re-creates the magic that must have enchanted audiences at the drama's premiere more than 100 years ago.” below to read the rest!
BalletMet's Education Department is very committed to all of its programs and the children involved; and for those children that are able to take part in these excellent programs, they should consider themselves lucky.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

“My job is to catch mistakes,” says Jamie. She admitted that she also, often, cannot help but notice production mistakes on other shows she sees, be it ballets or even concerts. “I can’t help it.”
When talking about production, first things first, the show has to be loaded. This means that the production crew has three days to prep the space for the show. Designs have been previously plotted, but now is the time where the crew can actually get to work and see if their designs will work with the space. Load-in begins on Tuesday morning but must be finished by Friday morning...that's a lot of work in a short amount of time!
Today I was shown the ground layout of the show, as well as what they call “minis” which draws out what will be on stage for each scene. These are good visual aids for stage managers and choreographers to use. Jamie also told me that Carla Chaffin, designer of the original 1997 Swan Lake set, is here to give input.
“It is great to be able to use local talent,” says Jamie.
Additionally, I was taken into one of the dance studios where the floors were marked with tape to signify where the props will be and where the dancers should stand. This was AMAZING. It may not seem exciting to some but, to me, it was incredible to stand in the room where ballets begin; to know that all the hard work that goes into creating a beautiful ballet happens here. When watching Swan Lake on Friday night, I will remember that moment.
For as elaborate as this performance will be, it is amazing to think that set production began only days before. Preparation is very challenging and intense at times and the production crew works extremely hard to make the audience’s experience perfect. And although Jamie claims there are always, what I like to call, “uh-oh moments", I believe that the audience will have a difficult time noticing them. The staff and dancers at BalletMet do an amazing job of drawing the audience into a story and not letting go until the very end.
In reference to Swan Lake, Jamie would like our readers to know that if everything runs smoothly and there is nothing visibly wrong with the show, then the production staff has done their job well.
“We are just adding to the magic of it all.”
All I have to say is that I am beyond excited about attending a BalletMet performance as their intern! I have been to shows in the past, but it now it is a completely different experience.
And it’s finally here!!
……Hope to see you there! :)
Before I go, I’d like to end this week’s entry with a few quotes from BalletMet dancers Adrienne Benz and Adam Hundt about their experience with Swan Lake!

…Enjoy the show!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Coming soon to an Ohio Theatre near you....
BalletMet and The Cincinnati Ballet have teamed up to present the timeless masterpiece Swan Lake, October 16-18. For the next two weeks, I will take you behind the making of this treasured ballet, including a peek at costumes, production and thoughts from the dancers.
A little history of Swan Lake...
Approaching his 21st birthday, Prince Siegfried is reminded that he must choose a bride at his upcoming ball, despite his reluctance to do so. In an attempt to be alone and ponder his future, Siegfried arrives at a lake that is, unbeknownst to him, ruled by the evil sorcerer Baron von Rothbart; a lake where young maidens are held under a spell that transforms them into swans. As the lake fills with swans, Siegfried takes aim at one, but holds his fire as the swan transforms into a beautiful woman! Love at first sight, Seigfried promises this woman, Odette, the only thing that can break von Rothbart's evil spell; eternal love. However, Odette warns the prince that if his vow is broken, she will remain a swan forever.
The ball ensues the following evening and trouble is in store for Prince Siegfried!
To read more about Swan Lake, go to
Today at BalletMet, all the dancers were in Cincinnati practicing for Swan Lake, so it was a little quieter around the building. In fact, when I pulled into the parking lot there were only a few cars there, as opposed to a full lot as usual, and I thought for a second that maybe I wasn’t supposed to be there either; that maybe it was some special day and everyone forgot to tell the new intern not to come in. I’m happy that was not the case because today was great.
In preparation for this week's bIog, I visited both the costume shop and the production department and spoke to the managers in each about what they are doing to prepare for Swan Lake. However, today I am going to focus specifically on costumes, and next week I will talk more about production.
BalletMet's costume shop manager Rebecca Turk is in her fourth season with BalletMet and could not be happier. She has been involved with designing and directing costume production for over ten years and it is a combination of her passion and the emphasis that BalletMet puts on artistic expression that keeps her here.
"Part of what makes this job rewarding is that you love it, and I am exceedingly passionate," says Rebecca.
However, although as fun as it seems to spend time around beautiful costumes all day, Rebecca's job requires so much more and one of her main duties is to keep the shop in order.
"You have to keep positive and roll with the punches," she explains. "Stressful situations will arise often and you have to be able to deal with them consistently. There are no boring days."
This is something Rebecca loves about her job; each day is different and everyone in the costume shop takes great pride in their work.
When speaking with her about Swan Lake, she showed me the beautiful, handmade costumes for Odette and Odile, and explained to me the costume situation for this production. Since BalletMet is teaming up with The Cincinnati Ballet to present this piece, the two companies have been working together to create a unified look. The piece will include costumes from both BalletMet's previous performance and The Cincinnati Ballet's as well as new pieces based on both designs.
The costume room is currently littered with swan costumes, and it could not look better.
In reference to Swan Lake, Rebecca would like our readers to know, "that this is an amazing opportunity for the audience because an amazing amount of collaboration had to happen to make this possible. It’s really wonderful."
Here are a few pictures from my day in the costume shop! And as much as I wanted to include the gorgeous costume that Odette will be wearing, I wanted to keep it a surprise even more!
The evil Baron Von Rothbart's costume!
The costume of the swans!
Click below to see a different take on Swan Lake...enjoy!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My name is Courtney and I am currently a senior at The Ohio State University. For two years I have waited for the email from my advisor informing me that BalletMet was looking for an intern. Well the time has come and here I am, eager about what is to come. During my time here, I am going to blog about my experiences and provide an exciting behind-the-scenes look at BalletMet Columbus, starting with today.
First things first, after being introduced to everyone, I was taken on a tour of the building. One striking aspect of BalletMet is the fact that everything is in this one building. You have crucial business handled upstairs, while future ballerinas and professional dancers vigorously practice downstairs. I found this to be very charming and is what, I think, makes BalletMet so exciting; to know that every aspect of this organization is literally a staircase away.
In addition to your surroundings, it is also the people that work here that really add to BalletMet. It is clear that everyone who is here wants to be here; something rarely seen in the workplace today. This team atmosphere and passion for the same art is the foundation of BalletMet and essential to its success.
That being said, the 2009-2010 BalletMet season begins on Friday, October 16th with the magnificent Swan Lake!
I hope to see you there!